Pulp and paper making

Broad suite of dedicated solutions to increase efficiency and minimise environmental impact in pulp and paper production

Challenges and transformations in the pulp and paper industry

Although the pulp and paper industry is growing as a whole – driven largely by rising demand for packaging, tissue paper and pulp for hygiene products – there are various challenges on the horizon. According to experts at McKinsey & Company, this sector is going through the most substantial transformation it has seen in many decades, prompted by structural changes, consolidation, and ever-rising specialisation. Given dwindling newspaper sales, for instance, many paper mills are looking to position themselves for growth by converting from graphic to packaging paper. In the search for value-creating growth opportunities, many pulp mills are also looking to branch out into biorefinery products.

Enhancing efficiency and sustainability

Many key players in the industry rely on us, for instance, to help increase capacity without investing in new and larger equipment, reduce dependence on hazardous chemicals, improve pulp washing efficiency and stabilize pH, alkalinity and calcium levels in papermaking. Experience has shown, for example, that our ACTICO® CO2 pulp wash solution can facilitate the transition from bleached to unbleached pulp, helping mills to convert from paper to cardboard. We also offer water treatment support to pulp and paper customers, including cost-effective wastewater treatment solutions like SOLVOCARB® and SOLVOX® oxygen enrichment solutions that keep pollution levels in treated effluent at safe levels while avoiding non-compliance issues.

Related areas

In paper and cardboard industries the stability of pulp and of short-cycle processes reduces the number of disruptions during the process stages, improving machine runnability. The ADALKA Process Stabilizer method increases the stability of pulp and short-cycle processes in a controlled manner and helps obtain conditions that are more stable and more tolerant of disruptions at various process stages. ADALKA is suited for both mechanical and chemical pulp processes. The ADALKA method is patented by Linde.

In connection with the ADALKA application the patented ACU® Alkalinity Control Unit is used for the on-site production of pH-adjusted sodium bicarbonate. The automated equipment produces liquid sodium bicarbonate from diluted sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide. Alkalinity and pH can be adjusted independently according to the process requirements. The buffer solution can then be added to the process to control pH and increase alkalinity at critical points.

The CODIP ® Process Improver method was developed to mainly serve newsprint paper production, where varying amounts of recycled fibers are used as raw material. The use of carbon dioxide in the paper process helps achieve lower levels of dissolved calcium, increased machine runnability and a more stable pH profile. The patented method was developed in Finland in close cooperation with our customers.

The GRAFICO® Calcium Carbonate Saver is a carbon dioxide application developed and patented by Linde together with the cooperation partner UPM-Kymmene to be used when calcium carbonate is introduced as a filler in the production of paper qualities containing mechanical pulp like newsprint and SC paper. The conditions at the paper machines are often such that calcium carbonate starts to dissolve and papermakers are familiar with problems originated from free calcium in the system. GRAFICO® Calcium Carbonate Saver will help to prevent calcium carbonate from dissolving due to local pH-changes or slightly acidic conditions and create conditions for more stable process.

Our environmentally friendly ACTICO ® application offers optimal pH adjustment in the wet end of paper process and reduces the risk of pH shocks. Thanks to its sophisticated automation and carbon dioxide input system, ACTICO can be adjusted to the key process parameters of each paper machine.

The use of carbon dioxide can increase the efficiency of dewatering in paper processes. The patented carbon dioxide application can be used to increase dewatering or improve water cut-off, for example, in the disc filter or wire section.

The cabinet is connected permanently to the gas pipeline network via a 22 mm oxygen pipe. The pressure on the network can be read from the pressure gauge. Compressed oxygen can quickly be connected as all the components are ready for use inside the cabinet. The cabinet is designed to be kept outdoors.

We offer safe carbon dioxide-based pH control systems which are easy to operate and need only low attendance. Carbon dioxide forms a weak acid offering a much more accurate and safe pH control, overdosing is now impossible and the equipment is much more simple and less expensive. In addition the buffer capacity of the treated water will improve significantly.

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